Home > The Florimond Desprez group

The Florimond Desprez group



Florimond Desprez in brief

Florimond Desprez is an independent French family-owned company. The group breeds plant varieties and also produces seeds to meet the needs of the arable crop sector.

The Florimond Desprez group is a world leader in the sugar beet seed industry and is one of the leading European breeders of small grain cereals.


Key figures

1 155 employees

9 species covered

35 direct subsidiaries outside of France

15% of turnover devoted to research


Photo © Karine Boudart - http://www.reportage-photo.com/



François Desprez, Chairman of Maison Florimond Desprez (left)

Bruno Desprez, Chairman of Florimond Desprez Veuve & Fils (right)